




利用ES细胞打靶技术获得Tnfrsf11b(Opg)基因敲除小鼠,品系全名:B6.129-Tnfrsf11btm1Smoc ,品系目录号:NM-KO-00004。


  • X-Ray放射检测Opg基因纯合缺失小鼠发生骨质疏松 

  • 组织形态学分析证实OPG基因纯合缺失小鼠骨量明显减少:松质骨骨小梁数目减少,连接性降低,间距增大;皮质骨变薄,骨陷窝增多。   

  • Opg敲除小鼠TRAP检测证实纯合子小鼠破骨细胞(OC)明显增多。

  • Opg敲除小鼠在主动脉出现动脉钙化,其特点是没有动脉粥样斑块形成,只是出现动脉中膜钙化。


Fig1. Opg gene targeting strategy. (a)Schematic representation of gene targeting at the Opg locus. (b)Southern blot analysis by using ES cell genomic DNA digested with EcoRV. +/+:wildtype ES clone; +/-:Positive targeted clone. (c) Genotyping of Opg knockout mice by PCR. (d) RT-PCR and (e) Western blot analysis of RNA and protein from liver of wildtype(+/+),heterozygous(+/-) and homozygous (-/-) Opg knockout mice. The absence of Opg expression in Opg-/- mice was confirmed at both mRNA and protein levels.


Fig2. Opg-/- mice exhibit osteoporosis and aortic calcification.  (a,b) Radiographs of 2-month-old mice show decreased bone mineral density of leg, pelvis and vertebrae in Opg-/- mice compared with wildtype. (c,d)Opg-/- mice exhibit medial calcification (arrow) aortic calcification (H&E stained, 40x)


Fig3. High bone turnover in Opg-/- mice.  (a,b)TRAP staining of femoral cortical shaft of wt and Opg-/- mice. Yellow arrowheads indicate TRAP positive osteoblasts. (c,d) Arrows indicate osteoblasts along the bone surface (H&E stained, 40x). Osteoblasts of Opg-/- mice appear more cuboidal in shape than those of wt mice.


  1. Xu Yong,et al. High-bone-turnover Osteoporosis and Aortic Calcification in Opg Knockout Mice. Progess in Biochemistry and Biophysics. (2007)34(3):260-266.

  2. Meizhu Yan,et al.Raloxifene inhibits bone loss and improves bone strength through an Opg-independent mechanism.Endocr (2010) 37:55–61.

  3. 李西华, 颜美珠, 许勇, 庞晓芬, 王铸钢。骨保护素基因敲除对小鼠左心室收缩功能的影响。<<上海交通大学学报(医学版)>>2008,28(3): 

  4. 程少丹, 王拥军, 唐德志, 周泉, 李晨光, 周重建, 施杞。 OPG基因敲除小鼠骨质疏松情况的研究。 <<中国骨质疏松杂志>>2008,14(1):16-19

  5. 颜美珠,庞小芬,许勇,李西华,孔辉等。雷洛昔芬对骨保护蛋白基因缺失小鼠的抗骨质疏松作用。中华内分泌代谢杂志 2008,24(4) 

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