

Biocompatibility of silk-tropoelastin protein polymers

Model Organisms:마우스 Product & Service:IL-1b Luciferase Research field:Immune system

Dynamic expression of N-myc in mouse embryonic development using an enhanced green fluorescent protein reporter gene in the N-myc locus

Model Organisms:마우스 Product & Service:N-myc-EGFP Research field:Development

Parkin overexpression ameliorates hippocampal long-term potentiation and beta-amyloid load in an Alzheimer's disease mouse model

Model Organisms:마우스 Product & Service:NSE-globin-parkin Research field:Nervous System

Lactoferrin deficiency promotes colitis-associated colorectal dysplasia in mice

Model Organisms:마우스 Product & Service:Lactoferrin Lf Research field:Immune system

Deletion of Gpr128 results in weight loss and increased intestinal contraction frequency

Model Organisms:마우스 Product & Service:Gpr128 Research field:Digestive system

Gpr97 is essential for the follicular versus marginal zone B-lymphocyte fate decision

Model Organisms:마우스 Product & Service:Gpr97 Research field:Immune system

Phenotypic correction and stable expression of factor VIII in hemophilia A mice by embryonic stem cell therapy

Model Organisms:마우스 Product & Service:FVIII F8 cf8 cf-8 Research field:Hemophilia

Rig-I regulates NF-kappaB activity through binding to Nf-kappab1 3'-UTR mRNA

Model Organisms:마우스 Product & Service:Rig Research field:Transcriptional regulation

Polymorphisms of STAT4 and the risk of inflammatory bowel disease: A case-control study in Chinese Han population

Model Organisms:病人 Product & Service:STAT4 Research field:Digestive system

Suppression of neuroinflammation by astrocytic dopamine D2 receptors via alphaB-crystallin

Model Organisms:마우스 Product & Service:Drd2 Research field:Nervous System
